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Monday, March 31, 2008

April 1st Tue April fool day:
A happy first April fool days you all!! It has been a dull day for me=) After the very tiring guard duty for Mon night, practically drain my energy out and slept from tue morning 9am till 1.30pm...

SuN is SettInG

Thanks my bro, Shi Fang for not letting the guard duty ppl from the previous day to follow to take the under slang things from another camp...But i shoule be busy from nw, to do alot of work till the end of the day=)

But here i am ready to face a brand new day of the month, not really having to think abt her at all....I should really thank her alot for letting me gain up this experience in this relationship.

Not all gals are that simple, and what you always see are not always true. LooK can really be deceiving!!!

P.S : Give Nothing to your girlfriend, but take everything from them!!

10:52 PM / 0 comment(s)

Sunday, March 30, 2008

31st mar Mon:
This is the last day of March and it had to land on a Happy Monday=). Apparently i am not because, i woke up a bit late for this morning and had to get a cab. Cost came up to $7 dollars plus...So heart pain!! Recently has been so GaranG, working out alot at the gym and also self train too.

Life run today was fun, and obviously Kanan, Zac and Li Bing was cool enough to run so fast wit me all e way in front of the pack. Went to gym after the run and did endurance training, it was fun.
By the way i wont be able to upload the pics today!! Got guard duty again lor... SiaN!!

Jux had my lunch at the cookhouse , and it was nice food at the Chinese food area. It was fish and chip but the fish was a bit soggy. Well, i am out for nw.. gotta have my good afternoon nap.

Having girlfriend sux!! They can tell you how much they love you and all the stuff but the next say break up and all. All are BitcheS of the world!!

P.S : Give nothing to your girlfriend, but take everything from them!!

9:34 PM / 0 comment(s)

30th mar sun:
Why must she make me turn into a bastard!! When i wanted to treat her nice and chase her back, she rejected me, time and again. But nw i guess i am really over. hahahas:p
Nothing in this world scares me. Thanks alot to my ex- Joey Low Yi Man!!
I am being sarcastic but do i care?..HeLL NO!! From nw i dun give a shit abt relationship anymore, i treat a gal nice, they will step all over me. So, i am turning to my dark side...Hey, dun worry abt me, i will be nice!!!hahahas....FuCkIn BiTCHeS<<

BeeR BuddiEs!!

By the way, these are the few picts i have taken, during my past few days of activity=)

The NexT RaMbo of ITI??


Mani & Amandeep

Currently in a fuck-up mood. Dun feel like doing anything shit, wtf is wit u cliff?? She is only a bitch that make use of you, so get over it and F.U.C.K all over again.=)

Peace Out=)

12:41 AM / 0 comment(s)

Friday, March 28, 2008

step up 2 vid:
this is the final dance vid for step up 2..enjoy ppl..PEACE!!

12:14 AM / 0 comment(s)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

26 mar wed:
Definitely a very cool day that i had. Hahas!!At camp will be usual, morning go to gym, then played Frisbee, and bought mua breakfast from the Spec mass and went up to the bunk to have it. Before i went to bath, i managed to scare Sua Ning once again, while he was on the bed reading his book. Hahas=) .... Later, even in the shower room, Mani, Shi Fang, Zac and I was showering and i turned my shower head above and spray across towards them. hahas...so fun!!

Had lunch at the cook house, at 12.45pm. Today Chinese food for me. Braised pork meat wit salted vege. It was very delicious. Yum Yum!! Most of all I had my lunch with 2 of my officers. Warrant Teow and Warrant Chandran. After lunch, i went back to bunk to rest. Good life, finally in army i got kind of use to the life in there. Woke up at 4.30pm and prepared to get changed to get back home.

Since it was early, Zac, Amandeep, Raman, Jun Hao, Shafiee and me=) we all went out of camp to take the bus back to Jp Interchange. That is Shafiee looking shy from camera. Zac as usual enjoin his radio on e phone. Maybe he wants to be a radio station DJ...at station 369!! 0.0 hahas.

Shafiee LoooKin ShY!!
Future Radio DJ, Zac!!

As usual, Traffic jams again!! haizz... This cool pic i taken is Boon Lay staion wit SBS Transit reflected in the sky.

Jam Again!!
My Master Piece=)

One guy sitting opposite next to me, fallen asleep the moment he got on the bus. So ke lian!! Still got a long way back home=(

So Ke Lian!!

Tonight went to see movi. Step up 2, cool sia...Lots of handsome dudes and definately hot and sexy ladies. Yeah!! Learn to Believe, Respect, Love and Risk after watching this movie. Here are some pics of the movie.

CooL PosteR!!

HunK & Babe

Got back home at around 10.15pm. Well that would be all for nw=)

P.S : Even though you may have stopped loving me, but i cant stop loving YoU!!

7:34 AM / 0 comment(s)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

25th Mar tue:
So many of my friends on Medical leave and OFF=( The whole camp was quiet!! Practically, i tidied up my own store early in the morning after the first parade wit my buddy i-pod=) hahas. After that i had no money to eat for breakfast so i brought a ration packet from e store to have it in the bunk. It was delicious:P

My HQ OffiCe

Later on as the cleaner was here to clean e bunks, i had to open up the rooms and stayed on to keep an eye on them too. They came at 11am, and did till nearly 3pm. I practically skipped my lunch because of work commitment. As i have said, i may not have rank but i have a responsibility to do my job well. Lucky, Shafiee treat me to a lunch at the Spec mass together with him. Thx alot bro....

Workers Cleaning e Bunk

Some picts i have taken while i was on the 6th floor over-seeing the cleaners cleaning the bunk. By the way, i had to climb all the way to the 6th floor, practically had no lift. haizz!! But today, something funny happened, i managed to scare 2 of my friends. More like two of my CQs, Mani and Sua Ning. If ya wanna know i will tell you myself, ask me k??

So High FRom 6th FlooR

As usual had my last parade at 5pm then, went to wait for my shuttle bus till 5.45pm back to Jp bus interchange. Lucky tonight did not have to cook at home to make my own dinner. My mum is giving me us a treat at the Boon Lay shopping centre there. That is the shop that i went tonight. I like the food they serve, it is really famous, i guessed cos got celebrities also came to eat here and left their photos. I dunno how they cook the food but it was tasty and i also managed to finish 2 plates of beehoon wit that=)

The Shop & e FooD I had TOnIgHt!!

Later my dad and mum got something on and went to a friend house who stayed nearby at Jurong Point area. Therefore, my sis and i had to managed our own way back and look we had a pict on the way back home. Well, i had to get to sleep soon le. Tomorrow had to wake up as early as 5.30am. Hope all my friends and joey all e best in everything that they do!!

My LittlE sis & me=)

P.S : A day of 24hr/1440mins/86400secs has passed. For that 86400secs, i am thinking of you.

7:04 AM / 0 comment(s)

Monday, March 24, 2008

24th mar Mon:
Today has yet been a tiring and a happy day. From the early morning, i went to run around the camp, then went to gym and later went to play badminton. So many exercises in the morning till 10.30am. It was tired at first but i began to enjoy working out so i can focus on one thing on my mind, with a healthy body and mind=)


Today i missed my lunch.Cos took a nap and forgot abt the time.So i had cup noodles instead.After that, it was time for work. Today is the Out-Pro day for the NS men. So happy for them but very sad for me because i will have lots of work to do on the next following days to come. Not only I but all my friends were all busy with their work, all working like a busy little bees.hahas..lol!!

LuncH FoR e DaY

Luckily I managed to finish work at 4.45pm before the last parade. Today never managed to changed my clothes cos not enough time to shower and then, had to hurry back home because it is going to rain very heavily leh!!

Talk of the devil, it really started to rain and it's like a down pour in just 1 mins like that omg!!
Lucky i had a friend from the Training branch had an umbrella to send me to take the shuttle bus. Thx alot Zawawi=) As usual, when it rains, S'pore confirm have traffic jam especially in the evening time.

TraFFic JaM Again!!

LooK i also found a heart shape frosted on the window of the bus. Dunno how it got there but I definately did not made it. I hope she will not catch a cold and fall sick with this weather. I luv raining day but since i was wearing my No.4 i cant get wet. If tomorrow rain again, i will definately book out in CV and walk in the rain for a long time=)

A Heart Shaped!!
P.S : I still LovES YoU aloT!!

6:38 AM / 0 comment(s)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

23mar sun:
Today morning woke up so damn early....as early as 5.30am. Upon going to the washroom to wash my face, i was given a shock!! I thought i saw a vampire, from the reflection. I had a deep dark eye rings...Omg!! I muz have been workin so hard lately, even going for ration runs during the sat and sunday.

So EarLy In e MoRnInG!!!

I chose to ride to camp early via bicycle. Reached camp at 5.47am, saw Shi Fang miss call, i called him back and he told me not to be late. I scolded him back, i am already in the camp and i was not late lor, still got 3mins. Erm, Cliff has learned not to be late ever again, because of a gal that he had loved ever till this day, even though she doesn't want to msg or talk to him=( But he understand, still hopes for her to be happy.

Today went to OCS behind there for ration. Here is a pict i have taken. Today was kind of shag cos we had to do ration for e trainers not only breakfast but also lunch. I guess today all very tired and bound to go back home to have a good rest and dun go out chiong le!! Muz be like me, a good boy:P hahas.

BeHind OCS Academy!!

Oh by the way, this cute and chubby friend is our driver for this sat and sunday. When i took his pict, i see him so cute and his name is Ramadan. All of us finished ration at 3pm sharp. Erm, should be 2.59pm to be exact...hahas. After that Shi Fang, Firdause( SB ) and me went back home together. Having me to give SB a ride back to his house outside cos he lives nearby.

CuTesT DrivEr In ITI!!!

I had a good shower at home, and had my Lunch cum Dinner. Only to be disturbed by my little sis to go down for jogging wit her. But i rode my bicycle, cos i jux eaten my food =) Met my PC from Tekong cos he stay nearby. He already ORD 2 mths liao lor. So nice!! Well, i should be heading off to bed pretty soon too, had a tough day today. Wish all my friends and joey all the best in whatever things that they do and always be happy. Take good care of urself DeaR=)

5:26 AM / 0 comment(s)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

22 mar sat:
Today has been a very good day for me, why partly cos nw is raining=) I woke up at around 8.35am. LooK at the clock below=)

After that i prepared to go camp camp for my ration run for my trainers lunch. I reached back camp at around 10.20am. My buddies in the details are my ration IC, Shifang,Sufian,Ashahry,Shaiful,Fidaus and finally me=) We packed all the meal boxes, lucky today only got 90 packets. After that we all load up everything into the tunnel.

After reaching there, we set up all the ration point but the trainers are no where to be seen....Anyway, all of us ate our lunch and the bloody mosquitos bite us. All of us got bitten....But i think Shaiful got bitten the most especially at the face. I got it at the neck, a mosquito love bite..hahas=) While waiting we had some fun in the out field, Here are some of the picts.

Can u spot us in there? Being camouflaged!!

Above are picts of the place that we went to.

Ashahry, Sufian & Shaiful

Finally the officers and my CO came for their lunch when it starts to rain. Haizz....nonetheless, it was nice to see them eating so hungrily and happily. They muz be so damn hungry after all that outfield exercises...After they have eaten, me and my team packed up and left the place. We reached back camp around 3pm plus...

Shifang and Me!!
Do we LooK like the Siamese twins?

Lucky ShiFang gave me a ride on his bicycle to the bus stop outside camp. Even though i am the one riding the bicycle:p haha. Thx alot Shi Fang. So, after that i reached back home around 4pm plus like that. I dunno if she will put up my testi that i gave joey throu friendster.I really hope she will put it up. Dear, i still love you till nw=)

1:59 AM / 0 comment(s)

Friday, March 21, 2008

21th Mar Fri:
Today is a very bad Friday for me....The war of words in the house begins. I hate them so much today, both of them. At first i thought of gettin back my sim card but after all those things that they said to me, blamimg everything onto me, i told her no matter what happen i will never get it back from her. No matter what happen, everything is all my fault. Whatever i did, i failed.....failed to keep her by my side, and nw even failing to chase her back.

I dun believe, that even as parents whatever that they did is everything correct, wont they even have a single mistake that fault them in their life. So, i jux keep my mouth shut and look away from them and jux tolerated both of their verbal torturing.
It was until they say about Joey, that even i cant keep her by my side and that may have hit the spot in my heart and tears began to flow from my eyes, one by one.....What they said maybe true, i regretted everything that i did in my whole life. Really wish i was not even born in this life so i wouldn't bring so much pain to all those ppl that i had loved so much.....This maybe the only one day, that i had talk the least in the whole of my life.

4:10 AM / 0 comment(s)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

20th Mar thu:
Today is a totally bad day for me. Since yesterday, my mum again make a lot of noise saying my phone bill is so high and wanted me to change usin top up card. I got so fucking pissed off and take out e sim card from my hp, and threw it on the living room table in front of her. And told her, i am using my NSF pay to pay for my own bill and she still make so much noise. I say i die also dun wan to use top up card, at most die die they cannot contact me. I already, not taking any pocket money from them and that include not even touching my pay-check for my personal use.

So, i go and work part-time at outside still to earn for my own living. I feel that she is getting more and more unreasonable. Nw even saying that my sis and I should start paying for staying at this house. What the fuck is she talking about.??Isn't parents suppose to take care of their children and to provide us wit a roof over our head. It's not as if i am not going to take care of them when they both grow old. She already make me break off wit my galfriend. If she force me somemore, i everyday stay at camp better that way.

Today lucky managed to make it for the first bus and reached camp in time, even though i had not alarm from my phone. Had my breakfast bought from the Spec mass. After that take a short 1hr rest and went to do my ration detail. Today most of my guys in the detail are from armskote. Sometimes i feel that they like to slack and dun like to do the job together. It was only me and Shi Fang was carrying the tables and chairs to the 5 ton tunnel. What were they doing??2 of them on the tunnel waiting, WTF??1 already enough to do that. 1 more near the tunnel waiting for us again, to bring the tables and chairs. I dun wan to say their names, cos they know who they are.

The lunch ration to the Lim Chu Kang area, not the cemetary but an excercise traing ground for the army was quite smooth and fast. After that i reached back camp at around 2 plus. And congrats to my friend Lin Hao for getting back his pink IC today. ORD lor!!!I had dinner at camp before taking the last shuttle back home. Today got no photos lor....got no sim card in the phone so cant even take a single pics.

I hope you have taken your dinner....

All those things that we have gone through in the PAST will be remembered!!

Cherish the PRESENT time i get to think of u and hope to get back to u!!

Yearn to spend the FUTURE wit u, hand in hand, regardless of any difficulty!!

3:43 AM / 0 comment(s)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

19th mar wed:
A good morning to her and all my good friends:) Overall, i could say that it has been quite a pleasant day for me. Mostly because, i love rainy days....feel as if heaven has heard my prayer and those tears that i could not force for it to flow out, replaced by letting them fell from the sky. Ever since young, i loved rain alot...even till now. If i am not in a hurry or anything, i love to stroll in the rain, feeling those little droplets falling on my face, hands and everywhere.

As i stayed in yesterday for the night, i woke up quite energetic for the morning live activity as early as 7am. Even though i was all alone staying back to sleep in the whole of Team2, i felt scared at first...but every time i do so, i would see the picts that i have taken with her and think of her will eventually make me more bolder. Because i am her superman and will always be there to protect her regardless of anything. Today i did quite a lot of work out, went to gym in the morning, then went to play team Frisbee and finally went to the street soccer court to play. Until it was around 11am that i went back to bunk, to take a shower.

It was only after my shower, that it started to rain. I feel so glad that today was raining. I wonder Tampines side also rain too..?? I hope you took your lunch regularly. I took my lunch from the Officer mass again, and after that went back to have an afternoon nap for 2 hrs before went back to work till 3.45pm.
Then went to do bunk cleaning with my bunkmates, more like bros....Zac(Mac), Shafiee(Sapi), Shawal(Shower) and Li Bin(Lazy Li)aka LL.hahas:) All of us work fast and cleaned up the place neat and tidy. Thx guys...Hope you guys dun blame me for acting like that, i just want all of us to stay in a clean and tidy place.Then at 5pm all of us went for our last parade and went back home.Reached home at around 6.30pm and found out that my dad had actually placed a fish tank rack in my room, Yippy....Like that i can finally get to rear those types of fish that can glow in the dark jux like havin stars in my room.And also my dad brought back a double tailed moon fighting fish....Super awesome.This pic for ya to see my bro Zac:)
Dear, pls dun skip your dinner k..?? If we get back together, i will not force you to eat your lunch again. We go eat those foods that you like, Korean, Japanese and even go for choc fondue.K??>..


4:19 AM / 0 comment(s)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A little joke:
The silly Little Bird

A little bird was flying south for the winter, it was so cold that the bird froze and fell to the ground into a large field.

While he was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him.

As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to realise how warm he was.

The dung was actually thawing him out!!

He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy.

A passing cat heard the little bird singing and came to investigate.

Following the sound, the cat discovered the little bird under the pile of dung and promptly dug him out and ate him up.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lesson Learned
  1. Not everyone who shit on you is your enemy.
  2. Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend
  3. And when you are in deep shit, it's best to keep your mouth shut.

3:23 AM / 0 comment(s)

18th mar tue (6.10pm):
I feel very stuffy inside of me right nw, dun feel happy today. Even though today was a very relax and a slacking day. Today all of us woke up as early as 6am, then went down to the ELISS center to set up the various roles of us conducting for the NS men IPPT. Lucky for me, i was only on stand by but still had to help set up the water point then, had my breakfast at the cook house.After that i went back to bunk to continue my sleep.

To my surprise, when i woke up at around 11am plus, all my buddies are all sleeping away too. I guess they too dun have any work to do today as well. Later at 2pm, i went down to the officer mass to buy some food. After eating, i went back to sleep again....this time round, i was like actually teleported back to the time when i just started to get to chase after her. Seeing her at the Gallery hotel (hskp) the first time, not even the face but only the back of her and even remembered, guiding her the ways and ropes of how to survive from all those colored wolfs in the hskp. Do u still remembered, i told you not to let other guys get too near you especially when you are sitting down. I used to come down and find you whenever i am doing mini-bar too and you will be smiling, every time you sees my face. We were mischievous and had lots of fun but our love for one another was true during the starting of our relationship at the Gallery hotel.

Baby, today i dun feel like going back home....So i am staying back at camp today. Tonight i guess i will be the only one staying back today. Just for respect towards towards my parents, i give a call to my mum and told her i m staying today, she just answer back ok??No questions asked back...I guess she must have known how deeply i loved you and the pain, i am feeling nw till this very day. Today i cant upload any pict cos i m currently using the computer from the business center at the camp. I am sorry :( Till this very day I still loves you very much...Pls forgive me and let us renew our love for one another once again. I hope you will be happy everyday.

2:47 AM / 0 comment(s)

Monday, March 17, 2008

17th Mar Mon:
Real sorry, for not being able to update e blog yesterday....by the time, i had finished from work, i straight went to book in back into the camp cos i had an in-pro. Meaning, the Ns Men coming back for re-service. As a result by the time i got back to the camp, it was already 12.45am and also had to wake up early at 6am. Anyway, it was fun today, cos i did a lot of work and i feel very great. A sense of achievement!!

Today lunch at camp was very full too. I had half a spring chicken, and had a pear for my dessert. Baby, are u eating well...??Hope u are no longer havin ur cramps again. If you are coming, then try not to drink too much cold drinks and dun shower cold showers at night k??... Dunno if you are reading this or not??Since i cant get to see u, cant chat over msn or even messaging, this maybe a little private place for me to express out my inner emotions. I hope u are happy everyday. You know that i always concern those that i love and care for a lot and dun like to see them upset.
By the way, even after lunch i had wanted to take a break up at the bunk but work forbid me so. Here is a pict of 2 of my sleepin beauty among the three that i had talk about:) Around 3.30pm I went to have my live activity. Went to the gym, and played street soccer till 4.45pm. Later went for my last parade and came back home at 6.30pm. Nw i will be going for my dinner at the Siong Siong over there e food court to celebrate my parents 24th wedding anniversary for tomorrow on the 18th Mar. Baby, hope to celebrate our anniversary wit u!!

4:10 AM / 0 comment(s)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

15th mar Sat:
It has been a very pleasant morning, just that i have to wake up quite early in the morning 8.30am to prepare to go for the 9th div infantry family day at Angmoh Gwe camp. Some where around Yio Chu Kang area. My friend Shawal came to pick me up:) Thx Shawal....Kind of borng for me and he when we reach there cos, there are many ppl from other camp too, and i managed to saw 3 of my friends from our camp. So both of us did not stay much longer and he send me nack home. I reached home around 12 plus in the noon.By the way, before i left the house for camp, this is a pict of rainbow reflected from my dad's fish tank. Ppl say rainbow got 7 colors but no matter how i see, i saw only 4 colors.

I took a refreshing shower after that and took a pict of the clouds in the sky, so beautiful, floating in the sky so carefree and no burden like that:) I had my lunch and ironed all my clothes and went for a short nap at 3pm before going for part-time at the hotel. Baby i dreamt of you during my nap. You were smiling at me, and also dream of us going back to the time when we were at the K-box. I hope you are doing ok...!! Take good care of urself, and dun catch a cold at night:)

Woke up around 4.30pm and to get ready to go to work. Took a pict on the way to work. Today, was a wedding event.Both the couples have already married back at US and had a baby gal 12 mths old, and they came back jux to wed in Chinese Tradition again i guess. And also before the start of the banquet, they played a video clip of the bride and groom.. made me tot of how i wish it was my day yesterday. Use to have lots of hops and dreams in the past, but nw?? Well, i should be looking to the brighter side of life. At least i still have me, myself and Cliff. haha..lol:(
Some picts of Chinese wedding decos....enjoy.

I finished work finally at 11.12pm. So tiring, body aching all over!! Most of all, i yearn to hear your voice so much. even if you want me to talk to you on the phone also can....Cliff..cliff..what are you doing??Why are you missing her so much today?? Erm, i dunno how to explain, i just wish for her to e happy eeryday, even thought i dun get to see her. Reach home at 12.10am...and there was Jacky Wu variety show on, abt sweet loving couples. So sweet, so loving....but so heart pain!! I guess she and her little sis muz be watching, i cant watch anymore...Arrh, my heart pain. Better sleep early ba, tomorrow still got work at 10am.I wish her and all those i know be happy and healthy always:) Good Nitez..

10:04 AM / 0 comment(s)

Friday, March 14, 2008

15th Sat early mornin:
Until this late, i cnat still fall asleep....nw already 1.45am!! Not because i went to work at the hotel as part-time another is i misses texting and hearing her voice at night. And not that i want to peep at her msn, jux that i accidentally saw my sis was open and notice her shout out that she is havin gastric pain. Have u not been eating properly?? Hope she drink more warm water to ease the pain.

I'm real sry i cant be there for you right nw. I know that you wanted private time for yourself.I will respect your decision, I have been very selfish not thinking of how you might feel. All this while, you have been thinking for my good and I really should learn to be more independent and earn my own living:) Nw i can only pray and wish for you to get well.

Here is a pict i have taken wit from e hotel wit my uniform...Pls forgive me cos i still truly luv u.

10:31 AM / 0 comment(s)

14th Mar Fri:
I must say, today was a very fine day...unlike the past few days, been raining all the way. Even though i had to wake up early to catch the first shuttle bus at JP, i made it on time.Before 0700.

Yesterday night i dream of her again, really hope she can hear what i want to say, I am willing to change for her and to face up and to promises to her that all that problems that once caused our break-up will never ever appear again.I miss U!!

My bro, Zac was late for the morning activity but was lucky cos my Officer was not around. So, all of us went to the gym to do our exercises. I am training on my arms so I hope to pass IPPT on the pull-up station. I believe i can do it...After, the gym all the SSG went to open up their own individual stores for my Maj for inspection before the next In-Pro. To my surprise, when i open up the laundry room, I saw the big spider again....It totally freaks me out. But i finally pick up my courage to use a wodden plank to make it go away, before that, here are some of the picts i have taken....My another good friend Firdaus takin wit the Spidey:D....After the stores check, all of us went back to the bunk. And as usual, the 3 sleeping beauty was indeed in the bunk sleeping. Princess Li Bing, Princess Lin Hao and Princess Zac. haha..lol:P
I changed into my No.4 and went to have my lunch at the cookhouse. Well, lucky i managed to get an OFF pass for the afternoon for my medical review on at 3.30pm. Well, that shall be my first part of the day, Have a nice day to her and all my friends.

1:19 AM / 0 comment(s)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

"Going Crazy Without You":
Ever since the day you went away and left me lonely and cold
My life just hasn't been the same ohh baby, nooo
When i look into your eyes the moment that i let you go
I just broke down( down )

Baby if I ever get the chance to be with you again I would sacrifice
Cuz the feeling that i feel within
No other woman would ever make me feel so right
Its nice to smile when i get your phone call at night
But I'd rather have you here with me, right next to me
I miss the way you hold me tight

I gotta let you know that I feel so weak without your touch
I never thought that i could ever love a woman so much
I gotta let you know I think that we are destiny
For you I'd cross the world, for you I'd do anything

{Chorous x2}
Thats right baby I'm going crazy
I need to be your guy
I've been thinking lately
That you and me, yes we can make it
Just ride with me, roll with me I'm in love with you baby

Break it down now I'll tell you what I feel
From the moment that i met you its been so damn real
My heart seems to skip another beat
Everytime we speak, I can't believe i feel so weak
Tell me that you really need me and you want me and you miss me
And you love me I'm your guy
I'll be around waiting for you I'll put it down be the man for you

I'm falling so deep for you crazy over for you
I'm calling, calling out to you what am i going to do?
It's true, no fronting
Its you and no other i can no longer go on without you
I'll just break down(down).


6:48 AM / 0 comment(s)

13 mar thu:
Apology for putting up the blog for the day so late. I could only do that since i have to go to camp from 8 to 5. Well by the way, today was still very slack at camp, both my officers are on off, i think since they both were also not around. My CQ is also not around, and he will be back this coming Mon. Since tomorrow, one of my Major is coming back to check the stores for all the companies, so my bro Shafiee and i went to tidy up the stores, and do some stuffs. Luckily we both managed to finish all the things before 11am.

After that, we go back to the bunk to slack. And also this whole day has been rainy mostly, so sian...i hope she is doing well, pray for her every night to be happy and healthy , everyday.

Around lunch time at 1pm, i woke up and went down to the Officer Mass to have chicken chop rice w it mayonnaise. After that, went back to bunk again, to listen to music and wrote a song especially for her. It represented how i feel. Thx to my bro, Shafiee for helpin me wit the song:D

After book-out, my bro Zac the (Mac) followed me back home to get a very small fish to rear, and so i let him choose until he feel shiok....haha:D By the way, every time at evening the traffic is so crowded after office hour. Hope something can be done abt this. Here are some pict i have taken for the day:)
Well, i guess i should call it a day....since nw is already 9pm le!!要好好照顾自己哦!!
I wish her and all those i know be happy and healthy always:)

5:35 AM / 0 comment(s)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

12 march evening:
Today the whole day has been raining cats and dogs the whole of evening....Totally fed up sia!! cant go anywhere and except stay at home see tv and surf net. Well, but i managed to get out of the hse jux to go down to fetch my sis from work from e bus stop and met the friendly neighbourhood cat. She is so cute and obedient. The moment she saw me, she followed me all around....hahas!! Isn't she cute??Well, that is mostly what i do for my whole of evening!! And i hope she dun forget to take her dinner, dun catch a cold too. i m going for my dinner nw also, today OFF but a very boring day for me so i jux spend more time on the blog and write more stuffs.hahas....As most will also say, rainy day is the best to have Erm heem....@#%!!Think it out for urself..hahas..lol:D

3:35 AM / 0 comment(s)