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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

29 Apr Tue:
If you really love someone and think for their behalf, I should not bind her down and keep lingering onto her. What is yours is yours!!What is not yours is not yours!! There is no point making each other unhappy. I came to a conclusion, after this very day is e 100th day that we broke up. Especially in the past 2 days, when i stayed back in camp for the night. Lots of things were on my mind, so vexing....

Thank you bao bei!! You will never be forgotten and will always stay a part in my heart=) GooD Luck for your Future and hope you will find a really nice guy that treat you real good.

P.S. Cliff nw has grown more wiser and has learn to see things at a different angle.

6:03 AM / 0 comment(s)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

作詞:林秋離 作曲:林俊傑



交叉在微笑的背後 暗藏危險的輪廓

在你最放鬆的時候 絕不帶著任何感情就下手 從來不回頭

開始的感覺 不會痛 不會痛 放大的瞳孔 就像作夢

幸福的錯覺 很溫暖 很包容 也許還期待

這是致命的衝動 你不懂 我不懂

究竟殺手爲什麽存在 因爲愛 還是未知漸憎?

#心情放鬆搖擺 在妳三百米之外 數著心跳等待 所有念頭全拋開

 鎖起來 進來 這美麗的悲哀 這是愛 就是愛 全世界都不明白

*心情停止搖擺 在妳三百米之外 感覺饑餓難耐 需要妳填滿空白

 鎖起來 進來 這美麗的悲哀 這是愛 就是愛 只有妳明白

Repeat all once,#,*

2:25 AM / 0 comment(s)




















































2:24 AM / 0 comment(s)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

26 Apr Sat:
Finally today get to rest and do my own free time thinge=) This morning woke up damn early and went to embassy in the morning 9am plus. If ya want to know why i went to the embassy, i rather not talk abt it, hates talking abt politics!!!

Later, my mum, sis and I, we went to orchard to walk walk and had something simple at one of the foodcourt. Today happen to forget to bring my phone to take picts but also maybe lucky that, when u came back home, i had a missed call from my officer. Haha..maybe not bring my phone out might be a blessing in disguise=)

Well, here is a V-necked T-shirt i bought at Marina Square. Guess what, i was surprised that i was still given a further discount of 40% cos the shop is gonna close soon.

NeW shirt=)

Here is a new Canvas shoes that my mum bought for me. Very very cheap....Today is a happy day for me i guess=)

NeW ShoE

Well, i once had a thought that she might be avoiding me so much and from lovers to total strangers is like very unbelievable. So, maybe she might have another guy to love in her life. This is only what i am assuming......Usually gals will have what they call their 7th sense, but for guys we would analyze the problem and come to a solution. So, if my guess is right, hope she is happy wherever u are!!

P.S. Be Happy Wherever You Are!!

2:02 AM / 0 comment(s)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

23rd Apr Wed:
Today has been a really bad day for me. All the trouble seems to come look for me, regardless of big or small. Very Very tiring, and Life has never been the same without her again. I am really happy and glad to have a good friend (buddy) like him. Really, those words are meant from the bottom of my HearT!! Thx alot Zac.... U saved my day time and again...

Tonight had my dinner very very late, nearly to 9pm then, pack food from outside and bring back to camp to have it. By the way, i jux dun have e mood to go back home to do anything=(
LiFe in army really sux, and worst if ya have broken up wit ur gal. This week also cant even take leave or off from camp.

Damn those officers and my warrant officer. Sometimes, you will feel that life in army is like being in a jail, except that you can walk around and book-out. Still, no matter you like the job or not, you have to suck thumb and do it!! Haizz, @#$%^&*@#$%^&*. How i wish i could just disappear from this world without hurting those who care for me.

P.S. LIfe has never the same without your touches and hearing your voice.

6:34 AM / 0 comment(s)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

22nd Apr Tue:
It has yet been a rainy day again=) I feel happy cos, i love rainy days....Today we had quite a long speech at the auditorium, listen to all the mission and vision of ITI and other institutes, for this year and also a speech by the commander himself. Well, it was quite slack since dun need to do work=)

Yeah, also my CQ today afternoon send me a msg saying Commander's PA sent an e mail to all,thanking some ppl in the camp and my name was highlighted. I am so happy.....I think it maybe because of that day when i went for my chinook ride and real took good care of their needs.hehe=)
By the way, this afternoon, the ppl from the whole camp went to see the army museum at the Discovery Channel. It was a great experience since you may not even get the time to go to see it.

ArmY MuseuM

After that, one of my camp mates which i cant revealed out his name jux yet, we went to town after the museum tour. We went to Suntec, Marina square( lots of my first memories wit her), then to Funan IT mall and lastly to the Arab street to have dinner and cesha. It was greta fun talking to him, giving me lots of great advices and sharing wit me lots of his problems too. I hope i can share what i talked with him but it's P&C for the moment.

{Bonsai Garden}
Jux outside Suntec

CesHa!!Yum Yum=P

THx bro, for taking me out and I really had a great time hanging out wit ya!! Nw i can think more clearly what i really wanted to do.=)

P.S. 请你原谅我!!

10:19 AM / 0 comment(s)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

20 Apr Sun:
Today has truly been a resting day for me=) Got plenty of rest and had real good nasi briyani cooked by my beloved mum.....Thx mum for everything that you have done, till this very day.

Tonight, i kept my promise to my little mei mei to keep her accompany and i did it. We went GV at Jurong Point to see the new movie of Forbidden Kingdom. I would rate it 5/5 cos i liked it very much. Awesome fighting scenes, and very beautiful sceneries. Here is a pict of my little mei mei and I.

Many mistook us for Lovers=P

A very good phrase that i learn from the movie.

"Not forgetting those that you love and care before, might truly define the true meaning of" "immortality"

Well here are some of the characters and picts of the movie ..

Liu Yifei (Golden Swallow)
Jackie Chan (Drunken Immortal)
Li Bingbing (Evil Witch)

Michael Angarano (The Seeker)

Jet Li (Monkey King)

EnJoY the MovIE PPL!!!!

8:24 AM / 0 comment(s)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

20th Apr Sun:
Let me share something with all the ppl out there abt guys which i experienced it myself when i went out wit two of my friends. When men get horny, they are willing to pay money to even go and find prostitute to have sex with.

On sat night, i went out with 2 of my friends to a pub in Geylang. Then there were Viet gals came in to accompany us, but i rejected the gal that want to accompany me. Reasons, dun wan to waste money on tippin, damn ugly and want to be faithful to my ex. So i jux had a gls of beer and chill out wit my two friends. And also, the ppl singing the KTV there, sounds horrible and all damn old songs.

Here is a pict of giant spider crabs. Seriously big and has very long legs...So creepy!!!

Dunno why ppl eat this??

Later, my friends say want to go walk, walk so we end up at Lor 8. To my surprise, i saw so may gals standing along the street, mostly China gals....They all have the looks plus the body, but i dun understand why muz do this kind of job??...Then who knows both of my friends went to what they will call it as fish tank. Basically, when u go in there, u will sit on the sofa and jux infront of u, is a transparent gls room wit the gals sitting in there, wit no.tags and when u have chosen the gal, jux tell the no. to the pimp and the gal will lead u to the private room.

After that, i do not know anymore wat services they provide...Cos both my friends went up, and i as a matter of fact did not, cos i feel that i m doing the bad thing which i can choose not to do it. It's like the devil is tempting u and if u choose to go wit the gal, u will fall into the devil's trap and go to hell. Haizz, so i waited for them outside for nearly 20mins.

Here is a pict of the gods statues and monk statues in one of my friend house, which i went to the other day. So many, until i was very shocked!!

See for urself=)

As to why i was very surprised abt is this, both my friends that i went out with are very decent and i cant believe they are so pro at this. So, look can really be deceiving!!!Got back home around 1 am plus, which i think is a total waste of my time....

P.S. 请你原谅我!!

12:57 PM / 0 comment(s)

Friday, April 18, 2008

19th Apr Sat:
For the past few days, i have been really busy with loads of work at camp, and only yesterday was my NS-men out-pro day. There is a good and bad news again!! Bad new is that, next week, i cant take any leave or off. And the good new is that, i do not have any more duty left for this month and next week wont be so tiring.

These few days, quite a lot of things are happening.... My sis blog got tags and posted by some anonymous, Gay sh1t and Les f@#$. No one bully my little mei mei except for me. I have walk all kinds of life, i know all types of ppl in S'pore more than those who pester her. Dun be so busybody, and walk away.....cos u wouldn't like to see me turn evil!!!

No One Touches my Family members or those whom I LuV and CarE abT!!

This is one of my favourite bottle, of dry Gin. Namely Bombay Sapphire..... Has a distinguish taste of gin to it and still taste nice when u have it neat or not=)

Bombay Sapphire

Well, tonight not sure going out wit a friend who currently have some trouble at outside. People may say loyalty cannot buy you food or things but for me, it can help me to make more friends and to personalized my character more deeper.

P.S. 请你原谅我!!

7:01 PM / 0 comment(s)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

16 Apr Wed:
Yesterday, i went for my first time in the whole life riding in a CH-47 Chinook (CH-47).It's so cool. Feels like really going for war like that. The moment when you see the Chinook, and started to run towards it, i can feel my adrenaline, pumping very fast and faster...Here is a pict of how a Chinook looks like=)


This is my bro, Zac again....I really wonder how can a person sleep like that??..I tried doing that, but cant even fall asleep. Maybe he is dreaming of becoming a boss, that's why!!haha...Bro, caught you on my candit camera...=P

The Sleeping Boss=P

Here are a few pict of somewhere before i took my helicopter ride. It was really a very nice place, facing the Tuas check-point and opposite is a golf course. Omg, how come, my friends Ash and Shawal suddenly appears in my picts??....haha.. that is the magic of photography.

ParadisE in S'pore??

Ash and Syawal=)

I reached back camp very late last night. Almost at 1am, and slept around 2 am plus ba. Today slept at camp for very long till 3pm like that, very tired after the chinook ride and go for alomost 5 to 6 km of road march, carrying my SBO, and life jacket. Hope tomorrow will be a better day=)


3:39 AM / 0 comment(s)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

14 Apr mon:
Nw is exactly 11.11am.... Back to camp as usual. And well, confirm got more and more "Sai Kang" to do. And also nw i am getting to dun like my Officer Warrant Aw more and more. Sometime, he is being very unreasonable, so i do my own things and do the things that he wants me to do. Other than that,i dun go and find him....

This is my good friend Zac, more like good bro at camp. He just cant get separated from me. Even if we are at business centre, he always sit next to me=) haha...lol. LooK!!

See I told Ya!!

Today thought can slack a bit at camp, but who knows gotta do so many sai kang job again. Been busy from after lunch till book-out time. Dun even have time to take a shower before going back home...Haizz!! When i got back home, i was so surprised, my little mei mei rushed into my room and sat on my lap and gave me a kiss on e cheek. WoW!! I guess she miss me for quite a few days already ba....Never chat wit her and listen to her problems.Sorry, mei mei, next time when gor, free accompany u go shopping k??..LuV Ya!!

Me & my little mei mei

Tonight gotta book in back again...Cos tomorrow i m going on a helicopter ride, more like CHENOOK!! CooL, it maybe once in a life time thinge like that so stay tune to this blog for more exciting adventures of (Me, Myself and CliFF) =)

P.S. 请你原谅我!!

8:10 PM / 0 comment(s)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

13 Apr Sun:
It has been a very tiring day of 24 hr duty at camp for sat again.....Why in army must do so many sai kang?? And worst, the pay is so little like kiam siap!!! Before i book in on fri night, went to Jp to buy some snacks to there, and accidently took a pict of a couple right inside e pict, hugging and kissing. haha...Well, as long as they are happy being with one another, who care what other ppl think???

LooK @ the CentrE!!

And also heard from my friend who did the same day duty as me, Li Bing said, they are gonna have a week of (SOL) stoppage of leave. Which means they cant book out from camp!!So sad....The most funny thing was he keep cursing the Ltd Mike, and how bastard he was...hahas. Li Bing so funny!!!Well, that means my another bro Zac the Mac is also gonna SOL liao. Take care la, brothers....

Well, i'm gonna have a shut eye for a moment.

P.S. 请你原谅我!!

9:12 PM / 0 comment(s)

Friday, April 11, 2008

11 Apr Fri:
Tonight i have to book-in for my tomorrow duty. I had a very bad day at camp, got scolded by my Warrant officer. Most of all i had nobody to confide this too. At least in the past, i can call and tell her about it. But now, not anymore.....Even though, i go out with friend for club and pub, but all of those are just illusion to me.

I feel very lonely and will always think back those times being with her. It has been a total of 78 days separated from her. And also if i m alone, i just daze at the computer and would just write,
请你原谅我!dunno how many time. But just feel very sad inside. Well, i just hope that she will be happy everyday, taking good care of herself.

P.S. I LovE YoU!!

6:52 AM / 0 comment(s)

11 Apr Fri:
Yesterday, i went to a club with a friend from camp. Life has been very bored at camp doing the same old thing everyday. That place was at Tanjong Pagar at a club call the "PLAY". Before that i went to a pub call the Tantaric bar to get a drink and it was call the blue spin. Woosh!! That drink is very strong, much more stronger than the long island tea itself.

My Friend, "FI"

@ the Club

After that we went to have some bites at the nearby coffeeshop. After that i came across a very beautiful place in Tanjong Pagar. It seems like a land-mark of that place. I had fun at the club, just dancing with my friend. Thx alot Fi, for sending me back home.

Tanjong Pagar Landmark

P.S. It's very hard for me to forget someone that i once love with my heart.

6:21 AM / 0 comment(s)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

10 Apr Thu:
I really could not explain why i dream of my ex last night. And i could remember it very vividly in my mind till now. I hope nothing happens to her=)

Today has been quite a slack day, not much work to be done too. Also by the way, tonight i m going out with a friend from the camp. He say abt some Les night and stuff like that, so no harm following him and take a look.

P.S. What Would Life Be If We Had No Courage To Attempt Anything?

8:22 PM / 0 comment(s)

09 Apr Wed:
Today has been a very tiring day from as early as morning 6.30am till i get back to camp at 3pm.
Today there was an activity something like what they call the CMR...??Even i also dunno what is the actual meaning of that. As i had to reach camp damn early, so i rode my bicycle there and managed to reached at 7am. Ooh and i forget to tell u all that i actually had to wear CV=civilian clothes going outfield.

There were a total of 6 ppl, Sufian, Ash, Sapi, Fi, Ah deep, and me cliffy=) Ash and i was in the same team though. I dunno where that place was, but all you can see there was the birds, the bees and trees.haha =)

If ya luv greens and green color happen to be your Fav. color, pls join Army Nw=)

Here are some picts of what i saw when i was at outfield...

Cant even see a single thing in it.

Finally found my way out=)

Found this cricket when i was peeing=P

Reached back camp, take a rest then took a nice shower and prepare to book-out. Bro, Zac...today i managed to buy Neon Tetras, from a fish shop nearby and outside the camp. Currently, i have 10 of them, but i will raise my army of Neon Ninjas to hundreds...haha...

After that, i send another Fi,aka mama-san to the Giant supermarket via my bicycle. He sometime can be so horny!!!Haizz.... cant keep his hands to himself. But dun worry, he is a very nice guy with no bad intention. Well, that's all for today...gotta go and check on my Neon Ninjas nw =)

P.S. LiFe with GaLs or No GaLs Nw MaKe No DiFF fOr ClIff.haha..=P

4:21 AM / 0 comment(s)

Monday, April 7, 2008

08 Apr Tue:
Well nw i know why girls need a lot of sleep.....I came to realise that when i had the most longest sleep ever since i joined army. I slept from morning 10am till jux nw , 2.30pm...When i woke up, i feel my face was youth again and a few of the acne marks were not so obvious on my face.
So, for those guys having a relationship out there, dun blame ur gal for not waking up till 12pm or so because, if u wan them to be pretty and make others jealous that u have such a pretty galfriend.
Be considerate and show plenty of T.L.C ( tender, loving and care ) towards them=)

Here is a pict of what i have taken, very early in the morning before i went to camp.

DaWn Of e DusK

What's more i got a very nice calender of 2008 from my Encik, even though nw is already April of 2008. Anyway, thank u alot for the calender Encik=)

CaLeNdeR of ParAdIsE

A pict of two couple unwilling to get separated wit one another. Even though the guy is going away on the railway, the gal ran after it and gave the man of her love a very passionate kiss.

So LoViNg=)

P.S. If you see a dead end ahead, maybe there is a hope at the corner!!

11:48 PM / 0 comment(s)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

06 Apr Sun:
I'm real sorry for not being able to update the blog for 2 days leh!!! On the Fri, i went to pub wit my friends after when i book out, and they came over to my house there to fetch me and we reached Tanjong Pagar there around 10pm plus ba....Before that, I forgot, i still got went out to have my dinner wit my bro, Zac at Clementi there and loiter around there around 9 plus like that.

It was a new pub and all of us had never been to there before, i think i was name Ocean Star. Well, lucky for me, i did not get a gal to keep me accompany there. Mostly was because another 3 of my friends were all malayu and so are those 3 gals that they asked to accompany with. Sufian was good to open a bottle of Chivas and all of us drink and drink. My face turned red at first but after that it was Ok!!

Luckily, my Bi-friend (Firdaus) was around and took me after that to his kind of club. It was very cool....My first time there though. haha...Before the ending of the club last 2 songs, there was a Chinese guy looking at me and coming over to me, then when Fi looked at him, he jux turned away. I asked him why and he told me, that guy wants to come over to tackle me. I was so surprised that guy or maybe (gay) wants to get to know me. WoW =D

Later reached home around 4am like that. Nw the funny thing is that after my break-up, i dun feel like going after gals and dun even bother to take a second glance at them.

P.S. LiFe is full of Bitter and Sweetness. Especially when ur in LoVe. I've experienced that and thx alot baby.

6:10 AM / 0 comment(s)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

03 Apr Thu:
Today has been a very shag day for me=( After the In-Pro, still have to go and take the stuff for the under-slang!!Haizz.... Worst of all, later gotta book in back to camp for tomorrow in-camp IPPT. CliFF is like a busy little Bee.......hehe..=)

By the way, my bro, Zac got into trouble wit ISM again. The devil jux looved him alot. So, bro dun 笑笑 again, K?? Dun worry abt it, you are jux at the wrong place at the wrong time that's why, u unlucky!!!

Here are some picts i have taken for the day=P

So CuTe!!TaKinG an AftErooN NaP!!EvEnInG ThunderStorm!!

Well, i gotta go back to camp soon....I maybe on a very bad mood these days but I tell myself to be strong. CliFF 加油加油!!!

5:11 AM / 0 comment(s)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

2nd April Wed:
LiFe has been the same today in camp!! Jux that since tomorrow will be In-Pro so gotta book in back later at night=(

By the way, jux wanna share some fashion style wit ya ppl that i read it on the magazine!!

Q : I've seen guys wearing polo shirts with collars flipped up. They give the impression that it's the right way of wearing polo shirts.Something tells me it's wrong.Why do they do this?

Example Like e Above

A : You're very observant, my friend.These boys/men you see wearing polo shirts with the collars flipped up are usually - from a very young age - deprived of their mother's love. That's why their obnoxious current selves seek to appeal to girls/women by trying to appear like they're cool and in control. Some make the extra effort to slide a pair of Oakley shades into their hair, which confuses the look further.

Are they coming or going?..Don't get me wrong: Wearing the polo collar up can be sexy and throw-caution-to-the-wind stylish. It's also perfectly acceptable if you happen to be a billionaire playboy on the green or a $120,000-a-week Premiere League footballer hanging loose in Malibu.For everyone else,it's a sign of inadequency.

( So e next time you see ppl wearing like that on the Mrt or even on Bus, think again whether they are rich or jux deprived of mother's love by acting cool) =)

==============PeAcE OuT FoR ThE NiTe==============

One more crucially important point. Scientists say a breakup is one of the most stressful life events there is, even more stressful than serving a jail term. So why bother even going into a relationship!!

9:18 AM / 0 comment(s)