Wednesday, April 16, 2008
16 Apr Wed: Yesterday, i went for my first time in the whole life riding in a CH-47 Chinook (CH-47).It's so cool. Feels like really going for war like that. The moment when you see the Chinook, and started to run towards it, i can feel my adrenaline, pumping very fast and faster...Here is a pict of how a Chinook looks like=)

This is my bro, Zac again....I really wonder how can a person sleep like that??..I tried doing that, but cant even fall asleep. Maybe he is dreaming of becoming a boss, that's why!!haha...Bro, caught you on my candit camera...=P
Here are a few pict of somewhere before i took my helicopter ride. It was really a very nice place, facing the Tuas check-point and opposite is a golf course. Omg, how come, my friends Ash and Shawal suddenly appears in my picts??....haha.. that is the magic of photography.
I reached back camp very late last night. Almost at 1am, and slept around 2 am plus ba. Today slept at camp for very long till 3pm like that, very tired after the chinook ride and go for alomost 5 to 6 km of road march, carrying my SBO, and life jacket. Hope tomorrow will be a better day=)P.S.请你原谅我!!
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